Student Registration Process
The registration process can be completed electronically via our Online Registration Portal. Documentation MUST be uploaded during the pre-registration process. Please see the list below for required documents.
Required Documentation for Registration:
1. Completed ONLINE Registration packet- see link below
2. Birth Certificate
3. Parent or Guardian Photo ID with Pine Hill address
4. Most recent Immunization Records
5. Most recent Universal Health Record/ Physical Exam Report
6. Transfer card from previous school(if applicable)
7. Report card or Transcripts from previous school(if applicable)
* Test Scores ( ASK, S-Test, HSPA, PARCC)
8. IEP or 504 Plan(if applicable)
9. Custody Documents(if applicable)
10. Request for Student Records
11. Medical History Form
12.Residence Verification Form
If you are unable to complete the online registration packet please contact Mrs. Blaylock at
pblaylock@pinehillschools.org or 856-783-6900 ext 1034.